Tawhitimatea planting

Arbor Day is a day to:

It is day when people plant and look after trees,celebrate trees ,think about why trees are inportent

And many schools organize tree-planting events and other activities like  providing students with a hands-on opportunity to learn about the importance of trees


Why trees are inportent for the environment

  1. Why trees are important                                                                                                                                                              We should celebrate trees because they provide air and hold carbon dioxide so it doesn’t heat up our planet 

Trees provide wood and we need wood to make stuff houses 

  1. How trees hold the earth together

Trees roots hold the soil together by spreading their roots 

  1. What trees provide for the animals 

Trees provide a habitat for lots of animals like birds, the kākāpō needs trees to make their nests and shelter

Why native trees are beter than exotic trees.

Native trees grow beter than exotic, they make food and homes for  native

and here are the steps

  1.  get one plastic bag and full it half way with dirt
  2. get a plant put the plant in the bag and full it with dirt leave a small gap at the top
  3. put on a weed mat and sprinkle a bit of dirt on top

and that is how you plant a tree.



Ocean Circulation

We are have bean learning about wold ocean day

Urmi’s experiment is about the currents and the day I am publishing this is world ocean day.

Kaitiaki experiment (Rachel)

Kaitiaki experiment


Yesterday we did a Science experiment. We added oil to the water that had a feather in it and then had to use various items to remove the oil.

We had to observe what happened to the feather. I noticed that the feather was  always surrounded by oil and was very greasy.

Here is how the oil affects the animals that live in or near the ocean.

Fish : 

It covered up the water and does not let light through and coats the seaweed and algae

Birds :

it will cover their feathers  in oil and will make them sick

Dead Mans Drift : Drift

We made a poem inspired by drift (by Denis Glover) we  typed down phrases into a google doc.

Then we made the poem on google drawing and now I am sharing it.

here are some of my phrases

  1. As a boats in the bay it floats every way 

  2. As the sun is going down death is all around 

  3. As he drifts on the murky bay

  4. As it flows every way

  5. The dead man drifts The dead man dies

  6. As he lies to rest

  7. His family wishes him the best  

  8. In his grave he will stay for eternity and every day


For literacy we have been looking at the Anzac’s we have been looking at one Anzac in particular George, George  was a solder that was in Gallipoli.

Which was a soldier that fort in  Here is a poem to describe the war.