Category: Hanga | Create

Module 5

For module 5 we learned about seeing from the other persons view

My Pledge:

I am committed to understanding other people’s feelings, thoughts and experiences online. To put myself in the right frame of mind online, I will be prepared to put yourself in another person’s shoes, and to show my understanding of others, I will listen to them.

Narrative Writing (D.A.V.E)

For the last 3 weeks in Urmi’s group we have written narrative writing. It took a couple simple steeps

  1. first find a picture  that you want to wright about
  2.  second we made a hamburger plan  to plan out our story
  3.  third we wright our story =)

so that is my instructions to how to write a narrative story

Click here to read my story  LINK



Module 3

 building your shield

Module 3 was about scammers and identifying scammers. If you do get scammed you should follow these steps

  1. Identify  – Spot the cyber threat
  2. Deal – deal with the cyber threat
  3. Report –  tell others about the cyber threat
  4. Aware – remain vigilant for cyber threat in your online experience

and those are the 4 steps to stay safe.

Module 2

Last Friday I completed module 2. It was about digital kindness and what to do when online bullying happens to me or some one else.

I Pledged:

I am committed to creating a culture of kindness online by making sure that I think before I click. If I am the target of poor behaviour online, I will report and block, and if I witness another person being treated badly online, I will tell the student who is behaving poorly to cut it out.


Mystery House in Woods

It was a foggy night in the woods, the moon’s light pekes through the trees. I come across an old, mosey, dark house. I see lights. I go closer and there are thorns and potion ivy down the path “creek” the door opens!  I look around “must have been the wind” I think.I go in there is a fireplace with a seat in front of it with a man sitting on it “hello” I say no reply.

I walk over “gasp” it is not a man it is a skeleton with a knife in his chest!I look closer he is holding a locket. I take it to have a look “boom” the door shuts! the room starts looking different! It moves around and turns into a dark dark room. I walk forward as I walk torches light up the long long corridor. I walk for 5-10 minutes. It opens in to a large room sitting in the middle of the room. There is a piece of a shattered gem sitting on a pedestal that looks like it will fit in the locket.


Bird Art

For Art, we made a piece of art about the native birds of New Zealand. We used a template to draw the feathers on to the coloured card and then we cut them out this improved some of our cutting skills. One of us dyed the background (me) and then Urmi put a fern on it. When we put the feathers on we would overlap them. We made a Tui as you can see.  I enjoyed the dying and putting the feathers on.

Persuasive Writing : Why is it Important to Look After Earth

80% of Ocean Plastic Comes From Land-Based Sources, New Report Finds - EcoWatch

This graph shows the amount of plastics and rubbish in the sea and the beach.

my persevere writing : Why is it Important to Look After Earth. Earth is important to look after for many reasons but the most important is because it is our home.