Year: 2022

Craig the Penguin

Once they was a penguin called Craig. Craig was a penguin. He ate penguin food he did penguin stuff but he wanted to do more! So the next day he went off he carved out a big chunk of ice to be his boat to sail across the Seven Seas searching for adventure. He set sail, his boat was like any old boat it was a hydraulic Steamboat! After many days of searching Craig could see  land. He went full speed a head. When got to shore and his boat melted there was a sign, it read welcome to New Zealand.

The Hidden Temple

I see a rock temple with rots goring  over it. I feel the moss over the bricks and  the carvings in the walls. I hear the stone moving and the leaves woshing  in the wind I see a pot on the floor in a pile of bricks. I wonder if it is a kings tomb.

my rainforest description

The trees were tall wooden poles. The crunchy leaves of the ferns with the soft and fuzzy trunks felt like pillows. I feel the wet dirt in between my toes and the tall grass on my legs. I hear the rain drumming on the leaves and the leaves whooshing in the wind.  I feel the moist fog on my neck and the spider webs on my legs. I hear the animals hissing, growling and slithering and the birds chirping up above me. I hear a Jaguar swishing in the river like rushing water and a snake slithering through the branches of the trees.

my Quick Write

I see a huge castle in the distance in a ginormous valley. with a rock hand coming out of it with a hot air balloon. I feel the fog on my check and the grass in between my toes . I hear the wind wishing past the trees. I feel the dirt squirting in  my toes. I hear a banquet going on at the castle. I see a humongous cave in the mountain.

the Sand Storm

I see the big sandy desert and I see a ginormous glycerin castle with golden roves and Cloud  white towers and a big sand storm. I feel the sand ticking my legs as it go’s past. I feel my sword and my shield clinking against my back. I hear the wind rapidly going past my ears. The sand is the color of pine wood. I see the small mountains in the sand.

The flying whale

Once there was a Once there was a white whale named Gerald he wanted to fly but he did not have  wings. But 1 day he was eating crill with a side of sewed.when he herd a humongous splash above him.he thought of the comics when the super heroes got hit or touched by  a asteroid and got superpowers so he went to the asteroid and ate it he rose out of the water  and flew up and up in to the clouds. a plane flew under  him and  throw grappling hooks it hooks at him

Brain And The 4

Once upon a time there were 5 sheep there names were Brain,Bob.Bather and the 1 and only GAREY  they lived on a farm. The problem was that they wanted to drive the tractor, but the fence was in the way they tried to jump it  but it was too big. So over night brain  thought him-mm him-mm. In the morning Brain and the others tried the idea they ate some grass  and spat it near the fence they did it and again and again they tired to clime it but it was to slippery. So they started plan B they went to the bull closure and pooed on the bull it caged at the sheep smashed throw the fense. they ran to the the tractor and climbed on and drove away