Year: 2022

What I Have Learnt In Inquiry

For Inquiry I am learning about Māori way finders, I chose 3 different questions  for my main ones, here they are

  • How did they know they were following the right star?
  • Did the kids know how to do it?
  • How did the Māori know what star they were following?

here are the things that we took information  from

Whai & Navigation


and videos. our next step is to think of what we should do next

My Play Dough Stop Motion

This is my playdough stop motion I made with cool rise team, me and my buddy Oskar. It is a circle then turns into a square and turns in to a human and climbs the beam and falls off. maybe next time I could make the human move when he is climbing the beam and I think that we did good with the moving.

My T Shaped Literary and Poem

this is my T shaped literary it was on determination and for the create I made a poem

My Poem
Everyone has showed determination here and there you have done it at least one’s, you are determined all the time so when you do it you don’t know. So help other people do what thay want to do but do not help them if it is bad. so help all the time when people need it so help and help all the time and that is all I have to SAY


the Gummy Bears


                                                            The Gummy Bear’s

I can see the biggest chubby tropical fruity gummy bear in the world and  squishy delectable fruity gummy bears the colour of Christmas lights. I can feel the squelchy sticky jelly on my tong and the 

colours of the rainbow in my mouth

Kupe and the Giant Wheke

This week I summarised  a story for inquiry. I read the story and picked out the main ideas. I wrote these ideas in a shorter way using my own words.

The story I summarised was

Kupe and the Giant Wheke

This is my summary


What is  the title of the story? Kupe and the Giant Wheke

Some body

Who is the main charterer? Kupe Te Wheke


What did the main charterer want? for Te Wheke to stop eating his bate


What was the problem? the giant Wheke was eating the fish


How did the characters try solve the problem? they chased him through the sea


What was the resolution to the problem? thay killed Te Wheke

The Handy Land

I can see a home on giant rock hands in the shape of a cup.I can feel the green grass on my feet. I can see coconut trees and a ladder going down to a boat.I can see all the 10 rock fingers.  I can see the blue sky and rocks stabilising the platform on top

The Home Apple

I can see a apple with windows and a blue wood door. I can feel the shiny peel of the red and yellow apple. The apple has tyre marks in front of it. I can feel the hot beam of the blinding sun and the burning  molten sand. I can see the stump of a stork.