Month: October 2022

The Ear And Sound

The Ear

There are 3 part’s to your ear the outer ear, the middle ear and the inner ear. The ear is like a funnel the sound hits your ear drum the ear drum hit’s Three Little Bones called the stup the hammer and the anvil. Then goes to the cochlea witch goes to your nerves the nerves  then send it to your brain it is all incised in the tenportal bone.

this is a diagram of an ear and here is a link it a site about the ear


Sound travel’s in waves. A object vibrates the particles in the air move  to your ear. If you bang a tuning fork on a table then put it in the water it shows the sound waves.

Sound’s names

Sound has different volume and pitch there is high and low pitch, quiet and high volume. There are different names for sound. words that sound like what they are, are called onomatopoeia.


the happy guy

the happy face’s as people say be happy but do not be happy to much. This is the story of  a kid that was all way’s happy his name was happy. happy was born in 1832 his family was poor his mother had passed away when he was 2 but she all way’s said be happy he was happy ever more at his mothers funeral he was happy, at his father’s funeral he was really happy. when he was 20 he got married to Abigail and he was so happy he got a heart attack and almost died after that he was happy never more.