Month: April 2022

the Exclamation mark

One day there was a Exclamation mark named Shoutey, Shoutey shouted a lot his name did ain’t nothing. His parents and his teacher told him to be quiet but it did not get threw. The next day he went to school in math literacy and inquiry No one listen to him. So later before bed he practice being quiet. And when he went to school he was quiet and everyone listen to him.



Think about what the stories message is.


Craig the Penguin

Once they was a penguin called Craig. Craig was a penguin. He ate penguin food he did penguin stuff but he wanted to do more! So the next day he went off he carved out a big chunk of ice to be his boat to sail across the Seven Seas searching for adventure. He set sail, his boat was like any old boat it was a hydraulic Steamboat! After many days of searching Craig could see  land. He went full speed a head. When got to shore and his boat melted there was a sign, it read welcome to New Zealand.

The Hidden Temple

I see a rock temple with rots goring  over it. I feel the moss over the bricks and  the carvings in the walls. I hear the stone moving and the leaves woshing  in the wind I see a pot on the floor in a pile of bricks. I wonder if it is a kings tomb.

my rainforest description

The trees were tall wooden poles. The crunchy leaves of the ferns with the soft and fuzzy trunks felt like pillows. I feel the wet dirt in between my toes and the tall grass on my legs. I hear the rain drumming on the leaves and the leaves whooshing in the wind.  I feel the moist fog on my neck and the spider webs on my legs. I hear the animals hissing, growling and slithering and the birds chirping up above me. I hear a Jaguar swishing in the river like rushing water and a snake slithering through the branches of the trees.